Downtown Access for Bicyclists and Pedestrians


Project Summary

The Downtown Access for Bicyclists and Pedestrians project aims to provide recommendations to create a safer, more accessible bicycle and pedestrian network in three Burlington County downtown areas: Marlton, Maple Shade, and Columbus. Our recommendations suggest improvements on the existing roadway network and incorporate community feedback we received in 2022 and 2023.

Thank you for your feedback during our engagement efforts. Our online engagement is closed, as the project is now complete. A link to the final report is posted below.

Report Link

Contact with any questions.

Project Summary

The Downtown Access for Bicyclists and Pedestrians project aims to provide recommendations to create a safer, more accessible bicycle and pedestrian network in three Burlington County downtown areas: Marlton, Maple Shade, and Columbus. Our recommendations suggest improvements on the existing roadway network and incorporate community feedback we received in 2022 and 2023.

Thank you for your feedback during our engagement efforts. Our online engagement is closed, as the project is now complete. A link to the final report is posted below.

Report Link

Contact with any questions.

Biking and Walking Survey from Downtown Maple Shade, Evesham / Marlton, & Mansfield / Columbus

10 months

The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) is conducting a study about bicycle and pedestrian accessibility in the downtown areas of Maple Shade, Evesham / Marlton, and Mansfield / Columbus. The results from this web map will inform recommendations to create a safer and connected bicycle and pedestrian network. Help us out by telling us where you'd like to see improvements throughout your municipality.

How to Use

  • Click on to add a pin
  • Choose a pin that matches your concern: 
    • Pedestrian
    • Bicycle
    • Accessibility
    • Transit
    • General
  • Drag and drop the pin to the location of your concern
  • Describe your concern and hit submit

Once you have finished leaving pins on our web map, please follow the link below

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.

Issue Identification (Steering Committee)

10 months

Add a pin to an area where walking or biking is inaccessible or where the conditions for walking or biking conditions can be improved. The goal of this tool is to help us identify issue areas.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.