Vision Zero | Hunting Park

DVRPC studied Hunting Park Avenue from Old York Road to Wissahickon Avenue, which was identified by the City as a top priority for safety improvements due to its high rate of severe crashes.

Read the final report!

Vision Zero is a strategy to end all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries by making streets safe for all who use them, from pedestrians and bicyclists to drivers and riders of public transit. The City of Philadelphia has adopted a Vision Zero Action Plan that aims to eliminate traffic deaths by 2030. As part of this effort, DVRPC studied Hunting Park Avenue from Old York Road to Wissahickon Avenue, which was identified by the City as a top priority for safety improvements due to its high rate of severe crashes.

The study team conducted extensive neighborhood outreach, research on existing planning efforts, a road safety audit, and a crash traffic analysis, all of which indicated the need for safety improvements on the corridor. Based on their findings, the team made a series of recommendations aimed at improving safety, mobility, and community vitality for all users of the street. These recommendations were presented to a steering committee made up of city officials and community members, as well as to the public during a pop-up event hosted at a local park. The final results are now available in Vision Zero: Hunting Park.

What is Vision Zero? / ¿Qué es Visión Cero?

Vision Zero is a strategy to end all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries by making streets safer for all who use them, from pedestrians and bicyclists to drivers and riders of public transit. The City of Philadelphia adopted a Vision Zero Action Plan that aims to eliminate traffic deaths by 2030.

Visión Cero es una estrategia para poner fin a todas las muertes y heridas graves relacionadas con accidentes de tránsito de carros al hacer las calles más seguras para todos aquellos que transiten en ellas, desde peatones y ciclistas, hasta conductores y personas que utilizan transporte público. La Ciudad de Filadelfia ha adoptado el Plan de Acción Visión Cero dirigido a eliminar las muertes por accidentes de tránsito antes del 2030.

Why this section of Hunting Park Avenue? / ¿Por qué esta sección de Hunting Park Avenue?

Hunting Park Avenue from Old York Road to Germantown Avenue was identified by the City of Philadelphia as a top priority for safety improvements due to its high rate of severe crashes. The study corridor was extended to Wissahickon Avenue because it is another top safety priority for the City.

La Ciudad de Filadelfia ha identificado a Hunting Park Avenue desde Old York Road hasta Germantown Avenue como una zona prioritaria para las mejoras de seguridad debido a su alta tasa de accidentes graves. El corredor de estudio se extendió hasta Wissahickon Avenue debido a que es otra prioridad de seguridad para la Ciudad.

How will we develop the safety recommendations for the corridor? / ¿Cómo desarrollaremos las recomendaciones de seguridad para el corredor?

The project team at DVRPC will look at crash data and collaborate with members of the community and other local stakeholders to conduct a safety audit of this section of Hunting Park Avenue. We will use the information gathered to develop traffic safety recommendations.

El equipo del proyecto en DVRPC analizará información accidentes y colaborará con miembros de la comunidad, así como con otros grupos de interés locales para realizar una auditoría de seguridad de esta sección de Hunting Park Avenue. Usaremos la información recopilada para desarrollar recomendaciones de seguridad de tránsito.

This is a map of the Vision Zero: Hunting Park study area. It highlight Hunting Park Ave between Wissahickon Ave and Old York Rd.Vision Zero | Hunting Park study area.

Thank you for attending our event!

Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday, June 17, and shared their thoughts!

The image of a postcard advertising the Vision Zero Hunting Park event

DVRPC studied Hunting Park Avenue from Old York Road to Wissahickon Avenue, which was identified by the City as a top priority for safety improvements due to its high rate of severe crashes.

Read the final report!

Vision Zero is a strategy to end all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries by making streets safe for all who use them, from pedestrians and bicyclists to drivers and riders of public transit. The City of Philadelphia has adopted a Vision Zero Action Plan that aims to eliminate traffic deaths by 2030. As part of this effort, DVRPC studied Hunting Park Avenue from Old York Road to Wissahickon Avenue, which was identified by the City as a top priority for safety improvements due to its high rate of severe crashes.

The study team conducted extensive neighborhood outreach, research on existing planning efforts, a road safety audit, and a crash traffic analysis, all of which indicated the need for safety improvements on the corridor. Based on their findings, the team made a series of recommendations aimed at improving safety, mobility, and community vitality for all users of the street. These recommendations were presented to a steering committee made up of city officials and community members, as well as to the public during a pop-up event hosted at a local park. The final results are now available in Vision Zero: Hunting Park.

What is Vision Zero? / ¿Qué es Visión Cero?

Vision Zero is a strategy to end all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries by making streets safer for all who use them, from pedestrians and bicyclists to drivers and riders of public transit. The City of Philadelphia adopted a Vision Zero Action Plan that aims to eliminate traffic deaths by 2030.

Visión Cero es una estrategia para poner fin a todas las muertes y heridas graves relacionadas con accidentes de tránsito de carros al hacer las calles más seguras para todos aquellos que transiten en ellas, desde peatones y ciclistas, hasta conductores y personas que utilizan transporte público. La Ciudad de Filadelfia ha adoptado el Plan de Acción Visión Cero dirigido a eliminar las muertes por accidentes de tránsito antes del 2030.

Why this section of Hunting Park Avenue? / ¿Por qué esta sección de Hunting Park Avenue?

Hunting Park Avenue from Old York Road to Germantown Avenue was identified by the City of Philadelphia as a top priority for safety improvements due to its high rate of severe crashes. The study corridor was extended to Wissahickon Avenue because it is another top safety priority for the City.

La Ciudad de Filadelfia ha identificado a Hunting Park Avenue desde Old York Road hasta Germantown Avenue como una zona prioritaria para las mejoras de seguridad debido a su alta tasa de accidentes graves. El corredor de estudio se extendió hasta Wissahickon Avenue debido a que es otra prioridad de seguridad para la Ciudad.

How will we develop the safety recommendations for the corridor? / ¿Cómo desarrollaremos las recomendaciones de seguridad para el corredor?

The project team at DVRPC will look at crash data and collaborate with members of the community and other local stakeholders to conduct a safety audit of this section of Hunting Park Avenue. We will use the information gathered to develop traffic safety recommendations.

El equipo del proyecto en DVRPC analizará información accidentes y colaborará con miembros de la comunidad, así como con otros grupos de interés locales para realizar una auditoría de seguridad de esta sección de Hunting Park Avenue. Usaremos la información recopilada para desarrollar recomendaciones de seguridad de tránsito.

This is a map of the Vision Zero: Hunting Park study area. It highlight Hunting Park Ave between Wissahickon Ave and Old York Rd.Vision Zero | Hunting Park study area.

Thank you for attending our event!

Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday, June 17, and shared their thoughts!

The image of a postcard advertising the Vision Zero Hunting Park event

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Complete the project survey and enter to win a $50 Visa gift card! Only one submission per person. Four winners will be drawn when the survey closes on December 1, 2022.

    Please complete the project survey to tell us about your concerns and ideas for improving safety on W. Hunting Park Ave from Wissahickon Ave to Old York Rd. After you complete the survey, use the "Map" link on the project homepage to drop pins on a map of the corridor and highlight specific concerns.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    ¡Responda la encuesta del proyecto y participe para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de $50 de Visa! Solo se permite una participación por persona. Habrán cuatro ganadores cuando se cierre la encuesta el 31 de diciembre de 2022.

    Por favor, responda la encuesta del proyecto para que comparta sus inquietudes e ideas con nosotros sobre cómo mejorar la seguridad en W. Hunting Park Ave desde Wissahickon Ave hasta Old York Rd. Después de completar la encuesta, utilice el enlace de “Map” en la página de inicio del proyecto para colocar alfileres en un mapa del corredor y resaltar inquietudes específicas.

Page last updated: 08 Apr 2024, 10:09 AM